Popsicle reindeers – Christmas crafting

Would you like to make some artwork for Christmas that the whole family could make? Then you must try these popsicle reindeers. They will look great on the Christmas tree.

Reindeers from popsicle sticks - Christmas craft


Thick popsicle stick

Brown paint


Orange/brown/yellow pipe cleaner

Pair of plastic eyes

Red bead for nose

Small piece of ribbon or twine


Step by step guide for popsicle reindeer

How to do:

1, Paint 1 popsicle stick brown colour from both sides and let it dry.

2. Glue down plastic eyes and red bead for the nose.

3. Take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the reindeers head then twist and bend the ends of the pipe cleaners to form antlers. If the pipe cleaner is too long either cut it in half or cut off the excess ends at the end.

4, Lastly glue some ribbon on the back of the reindeer, so it can be hung up on the Christmas tree.

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